You never really know someone…especially on-line. In today’s world, the power of influence can be the quickest path to money and fame, and it often ends in ruin. These are the stories of the world’s most insidious Scamfluencers. And we are their prey. On Wondery’s new weekly series, join co-hosts Scaachi Koul and Sarah Hagi as they unpack epic stories of deception from the worlds of social media, fashion, finance, health, and wellness. These influencers claim to be everything from charismatic healers to trusted financial insiders to experts in dating.
Review podcasts are popular and easy to make. You can choose books, movies or albums of a certain genre and review a new one each week. Podcasts also make an excellent format for a book club, where you and a guest or two can discuss the book together.
While all people are called to repent and believe — that is, put their faith wholeheartedly in Jesus as their savior, turn from sin, and commit themselves to the way of the Lord — those who lead others have a special responsibility because they not only teach but serve as human examples for others to emulate.
To keep up this format long-term, try asking one deep question and answering it for every website episode. Popular tech podcast Reply All based much of its content on answering listener questions.
Todas as quarta-feiras, um caso diferente por crimes chocantes de que abalaram este mundo contados utilizando fidelidade aos fatos e respeito às vítimas. Clique neste link de modo a se tornar assinante/apoiador: " rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">
Podcasting has a lot of benefits for brands and businesses, but it’s important to be realistic about your goals. While some podcasters shoot to fame, most have a small target audience that they build over time.
Each week we choose a theme. Then anything can happen. This American Life is true stories that unfold like little movies for radio. Personal stories with funny moments, big feelings, and surprising plot twists.
Essa passagem destaca a responsabilidade do pastor por cuidar do “rebanho” da igreja, guiando-o espiritualmente.
A unidade em Cristo é importante na fé cristã porque reflete o amor e a vontade por Deus para a comunidade por crentes. Além disso, a unidade fortalece a igreja e testemunha este poder transformador do evangelho.
Quando falamos da nossa experiência usando Cristo, estamos testemunhando dos seus feitos e que Ele se manifesta entre nós. Dê testemunho daquilo qual Deus faz em sua vida e influencie outros a desejarem se aproximar Ainda mais de Jesus Cristo.
Beba dessa fonte! Uma jornada do descoberta, comunhão e crescimento espiritual de modo a a explorar a profundidade do amor sob a luz dos ensinamentos por Cristo.
A unidade é 1 poderoso testemunho da verdade do evangelho, pois ela demonstra de que o poder por Deus é capaz de superar as divisões humanas e unir vizinhos por multiplos backgrounds, culturas e perspectivas.
A unidade entre os crentes é essencial para este cumprimento da missãeste da igreja de alcançar o mundo usando este evangelho. Quando ESTES seguidores de Cristo trabalham juntos, eles demonstram o poder do Reino do Deus e ampliam este alcance do Seu ministé especialmenterio.
Explore an incredibly diverse collection of entertaining and informative podcasts. Dive deep into what interests you most, from insightful interviews to groundbreaking series. And enjoy it all on a platform designed for listeners and creators.
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